Glutax Pro Q10 Platinum

GLUTAX indeed very famous brand with guaranteed product quality whitening injection. Latest GLUTAX has released a shot that surpasses all your skin problems quickly & efficiently.
GLUTAX Platinum Pro Q10 is produced by combining Glutathione,
Coenzyme Q10 Pro, Ascorbic Acid & Collagen.

GLUTAX Pro Q10 Platinum
6 Ampoules x 5ml
Glutathione 5000 mg
6 Ampoules x 2ml
Pro-Coenzyme Q10 500 mg
6 x 5ml Vial
Ascorbic Acid 1500 mg
Collagen 350 mg

What is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)?
~ Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an enzyme of the best in keeping the skin from ageing.
These enzymes also energize your body & prevent heart attacks.

Co-Q10 Benefits 
1) Cardiovascular Disease
75% reduction in the level of CoQ10 leads to loss of cardiac function properly.
2) Blood Pressure
Complete action of blood pressure lowering medications.
3) Gum Disease
Proven restore gum health by preventing the development of gum disease such as Pyrrohea & Gingivitis. It does this by increasing the rate of healing of the gums. Research has shown that gum disease tend to have lower levels of CoQ10 than healthy gums.
4) Weight loss
Research shows that some overweight people have low levels of CoQ10.
5) Tissue Hypoxia
It is a condition that leads to other conditions such as stomach ulcers. CoQ10 has been shown to be effective against this condition.
6) Aging and the Immune System
Studies have shown that CoQ10 can increase life expectancy by 50%. Rejuvenates and increase the body's ability to prevent infection.
7) Promotion of energy
CoQ10 stimulates the production of energy at people feel tired or run down.


Recommended Dosage
One set injection every week for 1 or 2 months
(*depends to your body metabolism). Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintainance. However, a doctor’s advice is needed if you wish to know regarding the dosage.

Injection Method
This product is administered by intravenously (IV) or intramuscular (IM) or Infusion.

Not Suitable For
- Breast feeder.
- Injection on women period.
- Allergy to vitamin (any kind).
- Pregnant woman
- Patient with cardiovascular problem